Register for LansingNOW

Below, please use information associated with your account to complete your registration. If the information you provide does not match your account, we cannot validate access to LansingNOW.

Your Account Number must be used to register on LansingNOW. Your Account Number is located on Lansing quotes, invoices, or statements. Please enter the Zip code associated with your Account Number.

To change your opt in preferences at any time, log in to LansingNOW and visit the Notifications page under the Account tab.
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Benefits of LansingNOW

Order and Delivery Notifications Access to all Order Details and Status Pay Bills Online Ordering (Select Locations) Marketing Services and Programs

If you already have an account, please sign in here

Benefits of LansingNOW

Order and Delivery Notifications
Access to all Order Details and Status
Pay Bills
Online Ordering (Select Locations)
Marketing Services and Programs